Thursday, March 28, 2019


       Last night I saw the new horror movie Us, for the second time and it was a great film, even the second time around! Tickets were difficult to get since the movie is highly anticipated and Jordan Peele is widely respected, however, I got lucky and was able to score a couple of tickets. Jordan Peele is an extremely creative creator was is not afraid to go against social norms and introduce the masses to different concepts and ideas. Peele understands that in order to produce a quality horror movie in this day in age, you must go deeper than surface level jump scares and truly understand what makes consumers scared in 2019, especially horror film fanatics. He is a rare talent, and he inspires me. When the film ended, I  realized that there were elements in the film that are very similar to our short film.
     There's a huge plot twist at the end of the movie, similarly to our film, playing with the idea that someone or something is not what they were initially introduced as. The plot twist is obvious if you just pay close attention to all elements of the scenes leading up to the end of the movie, and that's exactly what I want our short film be like as well. Peele left little hints leading up to the plot twist and we're also going to leave small hints that show that the doll is actually a person being held hostage. Watching the movie aa second time, I noticed many symbolic elements and clues that I didn't quite catch the first time.I want our short film to be something you have to watch twice in order to see the hints and I truly do believe that we can achieve that, similarly to Peele, but on a much smaller scale.

Image result for us jordan peeleImage result for us jordan peele

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